What are the levels in competitive dancing?

What are the levels in competitive dancing? (New Levels commenced in 2014)

For the purposes of awarding trophies, prizes or other awards of merit in Australia, age group events in the Amateur division shall be further divided into Levels, which are as follows:

Juvenile / Junior   Youth/Adult / Masters

C Grade
B Grade
A Grade

  C Grade
B Grade
A Grade

No other grading system shall be used for any event.

Approved levels shall not be used in novice events, sub-divided age group events,novelty events, or any other event where the competitors are exempt from registration.

In Europe however the corresponding classes are called (starting from the lowest) E, D, C, B, A with S reserved for International Amateurs

Please note: Pre-Am should not be confused with Pro-Am. Pro-Am stands for Professional-Amateur division, where one of the dancers in the couple is Professional and one Amateur. In England such competitions do not exist, but in USA they are very popular


New Recreational Level


DSA has introduced the Recreational Division to provide a structure for entry level competitors.


These competitions are conducted without "Competition Attire"


DSA with industry consultation, will set guidelines regarding dress code and recommended syllabus as well as providing an Elevation System & Levels that allow a structure progression that can prepare competitors fro competing in the Amateur Division.


Use of the Recreational Division structure and vocabulary across various types of competitions nationally will now be uniform allowing competitors to move with confidence from one type of event to another. Rules will be consistent nationally so that Recreational competitors can compete with others of a similar level.


The main points about the Recreation Division are:


Low Cost - Recreational Competitors pay a lower annual registration than Graded competitors

Focus on individual participation, as opposed to "Couples" in the Amateur Division.

Guidelines that provide a pathway for development of skills through the Levels as recommended by the Australian Government "Sport and Recreation" department


The Recreational Division is divided into 3 Levels;




Recreational Competitors will commence their competitive career at the Beginner Level. They will move to the next Level after gaining sufficient experience at that Level.

For the 2014 calender year DSA will work with industry groups to construct a formula that can be applied for elevating Recreational Competitors to the next Level. Because of this there will be no elevations applied during 2014.

DSA Members that were Level 1 (all 3 styles) in 2013 can choose to compete in the Recreational Division. In this case these competitors will move directly into the Advanced Level.
